Clinical Review
JAMA. 2011;305(24): . doi: 10.1001/jama.2011.860
Risk of Incident Diabetes With Intensive-Dose Compared With Moderate-Dose Statin Therapy
A Meta-analysis
- David Preiss, MRCP;
- Sreenivasa Rao Kondapally Seshasai, MD;
- Paul Welsh, PhD;
- Sabina A. Murphy, MPH;
- Jennifer E. Ho, MD;
- David D. Waters, MD;
- David A. DeMicco, DPharm;
- Philip Barter, MD, PhD;
- Christopher P. Cannon, MD;
- Marc S. Sabatine, MD, MPH;
- Eugene Braunwald, MD;
- John J. P. Kastelein, MD, PhD;
- James A. de Lemos, MD;
- Michael A. Blazing, MD;
- Terje R. Pedersen, MD, PhD;
- Matti J. Tikkanen, MD, PhD;
- Naveed Sattar, MD, PhD;
- Kausik K. Ray, MD
[+] Author Affiliations
Context A recent meta-analysis demonstrated that statin therapy is associated with excess risk of developing diabetes mellitus.
Objective To investigate whether intensive-dose statin therapy is associated with increased risk of new-onset diabetes compared with moderate-dose statin therapy.
Data Sources We identified relevant trials in a literature search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (January 1, 1996, through March 31, 2011). Unpublished data were obtained from investigators.
Study Selection We included randomized controlled end-point trials that compared intensive-dose statin therapy with moderate-dose statin therapy and included more than 1000 participants who were followed up for more than 1 year.
Data Extraction Tabular data provided for each trial described baseline characteristics and numbers of participants developing diabetes and experiencing major cardiovascular events (cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction or stroke, coronary revascularization). We calculated trial-specific odds ratios (ORs) for new-onset diabetes and major cardiovascular events and combined these using random-effects model meta-analysis. Between-study heterogeneity was assessed using the I2 statistic.
Conclusion In a pooled analysis of data from 5 statin trials, intensive-dose statin therapy was associated with an increased risk of new-onset diabetes compared with moderate-dose statin therapy.
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