02 junio, 2013

Screening for prostate cancer

English: Prostate and bladder, sagittal sectio...
English: Prostate and bladder, sagittal section. 中文: 前列腺與膀胱,矢狀切面。 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Several places when you can find more about screening, in special for prostate cancer. We are going to attempt to share all this article in this post, and updating as new evidence's articles ( more and more every day ), and then you can decide for yourself.

Expanding the evidence on cancer screening: the value of scientific, social and ethical perspectives: Lucie Rychetnik, Stacy M Carter, Alexandra Barratt and Les Irwig. Med J Aust 2013; 198 (10): 536-539. doi: 10.5694/mja12.11275

United State American Task Force for Preventive Guidelines

Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care ( CTFPHC )

American Urological Association 

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