Natural inmunity against A/H1N1 2009 ( flu virus )
English: Swineflu cases in the UK (HPA modelling) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In spite of many evidence support that the flu vaccine is not effective, this article focus also in the natural inmunity against the A/N1H1, where in cities like London the number climbs to 70% of the population who has natural antibodies against these virus. So, the question is......why the CDC and WHO persist in these kinds of policies, where the only who win something is Big Pharma ?
Assessment of baseline age-specific antibody prevalence and incidence of infection to novel influenza A/H1N1 2009.
objectives of the H1N1 2009 serological surveillance project were
twofold: to document (1) the prevalence of cross-reactive antibodies to
H1N1 2009 by age group in the population of England prior to arrival of
the pandemic strain virus in the UK and (2) the age-specific incidence
of infection by month as the pandemic progressed by measuring increases
in the proportion of individuals with antibodies to H1N1 2009 by age.
aliquots of samples submitted to 16 microbiology laboratories in eight
regions in England in defined age groups in 2008 and stored by the
Health Protection Agency serological surveillance programme were used to
document age-stratified prevalence of antibodies to H1N1 2009 prior to
the arrival of the pandemic in the UK. Functional antibodies to the H1N1
2009 virus were measured by haemagglutination inhibition (HI) and
microneutralisation (MN) assays. For timely measurement of monthly
incidence of infection with H1N1 2009 between August 2009 and April
2010, the microbiology serum collections were supplemented by collection
of residual sera from chemical pathology laboratories in England.
Monthly seroincidence samples were tested by HI only, apart from the
final sera collected post pandemic in 2010, which were also tested by
MN. Incidence during the pandemic was estimated from changes in
prevalence between time points and also by a likelihood-based method.
Eight regions of England.
samples from patients accessing health care in England from whom blood
samples were taken for unrelated microbiological or chemical pathology
age-specific prevalence of functional antibodies to the H1NI 2009 virus
prior to the arrival of the pandemic; changes in antibody prevalence
during the period August 2009 to April 2010.
cross-reactive antibodies to H1N1 2009 were detected in the baseline
sera and increased with age, particularly in those born before 1950. The
prediction of immunological protection derived from the baseline
serological analysis was consistent with the lower clinical attack rates
in older age groups. The high levels of susceptibility in children <
15 years, together with their mixing within school, resulted in the
highest attack rates in this age group. Serological analysis by region
confirms that there were geographical differences in timing of major
pandemic waves. London had a big first wave among the 5- to 14-year age
group, with the rest of the country reducing the gap after the second
wave. Cumulative incidence in London remained higher throughout the
pandemic in each age group. By the end of the second wave it is
estimated that as many as 70% of school-aged children in London had been
infected. Taken together, these observations are consistent with
observations from previous pandemics in 1918, 1957 and 1968 - that the
major impact of influenza pandemics is on younger age groups, with a
pattern of morbidity and mortality distinct from seasonal influenza
Serological analysis of
appropriately structured, age-stratified and geographically
representative samples can provide an immense amount of information to
set in context other measures of pandemic impact in a population, and
provide the most accurate measures of population exposure. National
scale seroepidemiology studies require cross-agency coordination,
multidisciplinary working, and considerable scientific resource.
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