21 diciembre, 2009

Hemeroteca C@P

Actas Esp Psiquiatr
Am Fam Physician
Am J Gastroenterol
Am J Manag Care
Am J Med
Am J Psychiatry
Ann Fam Med
Ann Intern Med.
Annals of General Psychiatry
Arch Gen Psychiatry
Arch Intern Med
Arch Psiquiatría
Arthritis Research & Therapy
Aten Primaria
BMC Family Practice
BMC Gastroenterology
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Bps Med
Br J Psychiatry
Cancer Treatment Reviews
Cardio Diab
Clin Diab
Clin J Pain
Curr Med
Diabetes Care
Diabetes Res Clin Pract.
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
Diabetic Med
Eur J Clin Pharmacology
Eur J Heart Fail
Eur J Intern Med
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol
Eur Psych
European Journal of Pain
Family Practice
Gastroenterología y hepatología
Genes, brain and behavior
Gestión Clínica y Sanitaria
Human development
Int Clin Psycho
Int J Clin Pract
J Affect. Disord
J Am Coll Cardiol
J Clin Endocrinol Metab Rapid Electronic Publication
J Clin Psych
J Community Health
J Endocrinol Invest.
J Fam Practice
J Gen Pract
J hipertension
J Hum Hypertens.
J Pain Symptom Manage
Jpn J Clin Oncol.
Lancet Oncology
Med Clin
MMWR Morb Mort Wkly Rep.
N Engl J Med.
Nutrition Journal
Obesity Reviews
Pain Clinical Updates
Pain Research & Management
Prim Care Diab
Rev Clin Esp
Rev Esp Cardiol.
Rev Neurol
Rev Ped AP
Rev Psiquiatría Fac Med Barna
Rev. Soc. Esp. del Dolor
Salud Mental
Scan J Prim H C
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
The Cochrane library
The Journal of headache and pain
The Lancet Neurology
The Pain Practitioner
The WHO European Network
World Psychiatry
Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría
01/09/2007 - Vol.35 Num.5
Ver números anteriores
Utilización de antidepresivos inhibidores selectivos de la recaptación de serotonina en niños y adolescentes con depresión mayor [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

American Family Physician
15/01/2007 - Vol.75 Num.2
Ver números anteriores
Child Abuse: Approach and Management [Texto Completo]

The American Journal of Gastroenterology
01/08/2006 - Vol.101 Num.8
Ver números anteriores
Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Are at Risk for Vaccine-Preventable Illnesses [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

The American Journal of Managed Care
01/03/2008 - Vol.14 Num.3
Ver números anteriores
Self-monitoring of blood glucose in type 2 diabetes: cost-effectiveness in the united states [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

American Journal of Medicine
01/02/2008 - Vol.121 Num.2
Ver números anteriores
Meta-analysis: metformin treatment in persons at risk for diabetes mellitus [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

The American Journal of Psychiatry
01/08/2007 - Vol.164 Num.8
Ver números anteriores
A longitudinal study of the use of mental health services by persons with serious mental illness: Do Spanish-speaking latinos differ from English-speaking latinos and Caucasians? [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Annals of Familiy Medicine
01/01/2008 - Vol.6 Num.1
Ver números anteriores
Quality of diabetes care in family medicine practices: Influence of nurse-practitioners and physician’s assistants [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Annals of Internal Medicine
15/12/2009 - Vol.151 Num.12
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Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Vaccination Against Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 2009 [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Expanded Antiviral Prophylaxis and Adjuvanted Vaccination Strategies for an Influenza A (H5N1) Pandemic [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Comorbidity Affects the Relationship Between Glycemic Control and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Diabetes: A Cohort Study [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Systematic Review: Comparative Effectiveness of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors or Angiotensin II–Receptor Blockers for Ischemic Heart Disease [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Systematic Review: Family History in Risk Assessment for Common Diseases [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Annals of General Psychiatry
19/05/2006 - Vol.5 Num.6
Ver números anteriores
The association of psychological stress and health related quality of life among patients with stroke and hypertension in Gaza Strip [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Archives of General Psychiatry
01/10/2007 - Vol.64 Num.10
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Panic Attacks and Risk of Incident Cardiovascular Events Among Postmenopausal Women in the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Archives of Internal Medicine
14/12/2009 - Vol.169 Num.22
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Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, and Tea Consumption in Relation to Incident Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review With Meta-analysis [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
A Comparison of Prediction Models for Fractures in Older Women: Is More Better? [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Combined Effects of Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Not Smoking, and Normal Waist Girth on Morbidity and Mortality in Men [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Antidepressant Use and Risk of Incident Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality Among Postmenopausal Women in the Women's Health Initiative Study [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Comparative Effectiveness of 5 Smoking Cessation Pharmacotherapies in Primary Care Clinics [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Archivos de psiquiatría
01/01/2006 - Vol.69 Num.1
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Validez del trastorno autodestructivo de la personalidad DSM-III-R [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Arthritis Research & Therapy
09/02/2007 - Vol.9 Num.1
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Maintenance treatment with esomeprazole following initial relief of NSAID-associated upper GI symptoms - the NASA2 and SPACE2 studies [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Atención Primaria
01/01/2010 - Vol.42 Num.1
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Test Raval Sud para medir habilidades de soporte vital básico y desfibrilación en médicos y enfermeras de atención primaria [Resumen] [Texto Completo]
Mejora de la información sanitaria contenida en los prospectos de los medicamentos: expectativas de pacientes y de profesionales sanitarios [Resumen] [Texto Completo]
Prescripción de antibióticos en las infecciones del tracto respiratorio y factores predictores de su utilización. [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

BMC Family Practice
17/10/2007 - Vol.8 Num.60
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Use of aspirin for primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients in an ambulatory care setting in Spain [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

BMC Gastroenterology
28/10/2006 - Vol.6 Num.31
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Bifidobacterium infantis strains with and without a combination of Oligofructose and Inulin (OFI) attenuate inflammation in DSS-induced colitis in rats [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
20/10/2006 - Vol.7 Num.79
Ver números anteriores
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), cyxlooxygenase-2 selective inhibitors (coxibs) and gastrointestinal harm: review of clinical trials and clinical practice [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

British Medical Journal
02/01/2010 - Vol.340 Num.7736
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Effect of 20 mph traffic speed zones on road injuries in London, 1986-2006: controlled interrupted time series analysis [Resumen] [Texto Completo]
Duration and magnitude of the postoperative risk of venous thromboembolism in middle aged women: prospective cohort study [Resumen] [Texto Completo]
Risk of cardiovascular disease and all cause mortality among patients with type 2 diabetes prescribed oral antidiabetes drugs: retrospective cohort study using UK general practice research database [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

BioPsychoSocial Medicine
10/01/2007 - Vol.1 Num.2
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Psychological adjustment of men with prostate cancer: a review of the literature [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

The British Journal of Psychiatry
01/02/2007 - Vol.190 Num.
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Short reports
Tratamiento adecuado para los trastornos depresivos y de ansiedad en seis países europeos [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Cancer Treatment Reviews
01/06/2006 - Vol.32 Num.4
Ver números anteriores
Opioid switching: A systematic and critical review [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Cardiovascular Diabetology
24/04/2008 - Vol.7 Num.10
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Effect of the addition of rosiglitazone to metformin or sulfonylureas versus metformin/sulfonylurea combination therapy on ambulatory blood pressure in people with type 2 diabetes: A randomized controlled trial (the RECORD study) [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

13/05/2008 - Vol.117 Num.19
Ver números anteriores
Asymptomatic peripheral arterial disease is associated with more adverse lower extremity characteristics than intermittent claudication [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Clinical Diabetes
01/04/2008 - Vol.26 Num.1
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LDL cholesterol lowering in type 2 diabetes: What Is the optimum approach? [Resumen] [Texto Completo]
Clinical relevance of non-HDL cholesterol in patients with diabetes [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

The Clinical Journal of Pain
01/11/2007 - Vol.23 Num.9
Ver números anteriores
Intrathecal Treatment in Cancer Patients Unresponsive to Multiple Trials of Systemic Opioids [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Canadian Medical Association Journal
24/11/2009 - Vol.181 Num.11
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A network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of biologics for rheumatoid arthritis: a Cochrane overview [Resumen] [Texto Completo]
Self-harm and risk of motor vehicle crashes among young drivers: findings from the DRIVE Study [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health
22/11/2006 - Vol.2 Num.32
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Validation of the Portuguese version of the Lithium Attitudes Questionnaire (LAQ) in bipolar patients treated with lithium: cross-over study [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Current Medical Research and Opinion
02/02/2006 - Vol.22 Num.2
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Clinical experience and management considerations with long-acting risperidone [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

09/05/2008 - Vol. Num.(Avance online de publicación)
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Relationship of abdominal visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue to lipoprotein particle number and size in type 2 diabetes [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Diabetes Care
05/05/2008 - Vol. Num.(Avance online de publicación)
Ver números anteriores
Lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease among individuals with and without diabetes stratified by obesity status in The Framingham Heart Study [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
01/11/2007 - Vol.79 Num.2
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Insulin glargine-based therapy improves glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes sub-optimally controlled on premixed insulin therapies [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Treatment satisfaction and quality of life using an early insulinization strategy with insulin glargine compared to an adjusted oral therapy in the management of type 2 diabetes: the Canadian INSIGHT Study. [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
01/06/2008 - Vol.10 Num.1 (Suplemento)
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Glycaemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in seven European countries: findings from the Real-Life Effectiveness and Care Patterns of Diabetes Management (RECAP-DM) study [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Diabetic Medicine
15/01/2008 - Vol. Num.(Publicado online como avance)
Ver números anteriores
Blood pressure means rather than nocturnal dipping pattern are related to complications in Type 2 diabetic patients [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

26/06/2008 - Vol. Num.(Sólo publicado online)
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Risk of myocardial infarction in men and women with type 2 diabetes in the UK: a cohort study using the General Practice Research Database [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
15/06/2007 - Vol. Num.
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Comparison of intravenous dexketoprofen and dipyrone in acute renal colic [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

European Journal of Heart Failure
01/02/2008 - Vol.10 Num.2
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Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: Clinical characteristics of 4133 patients enrolled in the I-PRESERVE trial [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

European Journal of Internal Medicine
01/06/2008 - Vol.19 Num.4
Ver números anteriores
Sub-clinical vascular disease in type 2 diabetic subjects: Relationship with chronic complications of diabetes and the presence of cardiovascular disease risk factors [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
06/01/2007 - Vol.130 Num.1
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Endometriosis, dysmenorrhea and diet—What is the evidence? [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

European Psychiatry
01/08/2005 - Vol.20 Num.5
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Psychoeducation: improving outcomes in bipolar disorder [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

European Journal of Pain
01/11/2007 - Vol.11 Num.8
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Opioid titration in cancer pain: A critical review [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

EVIDENCIA. Actualización en la práctica ambulatoria
01/06/2005 - Vol.8 Num.3
Ver números anteriores
Para quitarnos el sueño: ¿usamos adecuadamente las benzodiacepinas? [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Family Practice
01/12/2009 - Vol.26 Num.6
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Epidemiological usefulness of population-based electronic clinical records in primary care: estimation of the prevalence of chronic diseases [Resumen] [Texto Completo]
Vulnerability and the ‘slippery slope’ at the end-of-life: a qualitative study of euthanasia, general practice and home death in The Netherlands [Resumen] [Texto Completo]
Parental experiences and attitudes regarding the management of acute otitis media—a comparative questionnaire between Finland and The Netherlands [Resumen] [Texto Completo]
Lonely patients in general practice: a call for revealing GPs’ emotions? A qualitative study [Resumen] [Texto Completo]
Pulse oximetry in family practice: indications and clinical observations in patients with COPD [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Formación Médica Continuada
02/06/2007 - Vol.14 Num.2
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Experiencias de guías de derivación por sospecha de cáncer y circuitos de diagnóstico rápido [Texto Completo de Pago]

01/08/2007 - Vol.133 Num.2
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How Does Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Work? A Mediational Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Carcinogenesis of Helicobacter pylori [Resumen] [Texto Completo]
Aspirin Chemoprevention for Colorectal Cancer: Helpful, Harmful, or Still Too Soon to Tell? [Texto Completo]

Gastroenterología y hepatología
01/10/2007 - Vol.30 Num.8
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Errores frecuentes en el manejo del paciente ambulatorio con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal [Texto Completo de Pago]
Tratamiento con infliximab en la colitis ulcerosa: experiencia inicial en dos centros de referencia [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Genes, brain and behavior
01/07/2007 - Vol.6 Num.5
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Short Communication
Serotonin 5-HT2c receptors regulate anxiety-like behaviour [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Gestión Clínica y Sanitaria
01/11/2006 - Vol.29 Num.3
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Cribado de cáncer colorrectal. Aumentar al esperanza de vida y la calidad de la misma [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

01/11/2007 - Vol.56 Num.11
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Helicobacter pylori and antibiotic resistance [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

HBO Addiction
15/03/2007 - Vol. Num.
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Reducing the Risks of Adolescent Substance Use [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Human development
01/01/2006 - Vol.49 Num.1
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The role of identity in acculturation among immigrant people: the theoretical propotions, empirical questions and applied recommendations [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Internacional Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
19/01/2006 - Vol.6 Num.3
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Estrategias de afrontamiento en el inicio de la adolescencia y su relación con el consumo de drogas y la conducta problemática [Texto Completo]

International Clinical Psychopharmacology
01/02/2006 - Vol.21 Num.1
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Sleep disturbances and depression: a challenge for antidepressants [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

International Journal of Clinical Practice
01/06/2008 - Vol.62 Num.6
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Primary care physician beliefs about insulin initiation in patients with type 2 diabetes [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Journal of Affective Disorders
01/11/2006 - Vol.96 Num.1
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Treatment adequacy of anxiety and depressive disorders: Primary versus specialised care in Spain [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Journal of the American College of Cardiology
13/05/2008 - Vol.51 Num.19
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The role of aspirin in cardiovascular prevention. Implications of aspirin resistance [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Rapid Electronic Publication
11/12/2007 - Vol. Num.(Sólo publicado online)
Ver números anteriores
Starting and advancing insulin for type 2 diabetes: algorithms and individualized methods are both necessary [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacolgy
01/10/2007 - Vol.27 Num.5
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Evidence based guidelines for the interpretation of the Hamilton Rating Scale for depression [Texto Completo de Pago]

Journal of Community Health
01/10/2007 - Vol.27 Num.5
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Evidence based guidelines for the interpretation of the Hamilton Rating Scale for depression [Texto Completo de Pago]

Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
30/07/2007 - Vol.30 Num.7
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Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitors and their role in type 2 diabetes management [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

The Journal of Family Practice
01/09/2007 - Vol.56 Num.9
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Using prandial insulin to achieve glycemic control in type 2 diabetes [Texto Completo de Pago]
Using prandial insulin to achieve glycemic control in type 2 diabetes [Texto Completo de Pago]

British Journal of General Practice
01/12/2007 - Vol.56 Num.533
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Withdrawal from long-term benzodiazepine use: randomised trial in family practice [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Journal of Hipertension
01/06/2007 - Vol.25 Num.6
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2007 Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension: The Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) [Texto Completo]

Journal of Human Hypertension
01/08/2007 - Vol.21 Num.8
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Blood pressure, antihypertensive treatment and factors associated with good blood pressure control in hypertensive diabetics: the Tarmidas study [Texto Completo]

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
01/02/2006 - Vol.31 Num.2
Ver números anteriores
Tools for Assessment of Pain in Nonverbal Older Adults with Dementia: A State-of-the-Science Review [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

The Journal of the American Medical Association
16/12/2009 - Vol.302 Num.23
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Effect of Tarenflurbil on Cognitive Decline and Activities of Daily Living in Patients With Mild Alzheimer Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Resumen] [Texto Completo]
Association of Plasma Leptin Levels With Incident Alzheimer Disease and MRI Measures of Brain Aging [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Association Between Carrier Screening and Incidence of Cystic Fibrosis [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology
15/06/2007 - Vol.37 Num.4
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Clinical experience with transdermal and orally administered opioids in palliative care patients--a retrospective study [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

The Lancet
02/01/2010 - Vol.375 Num.9708
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Catheter ablation of stable ventricular tachycardia before defibrillator implantation in patients with coronary heart disease (VTACH): a multicentre randomised controlled trial [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Immune response after a single vaccination against 2009 influenza A H1N1 in USA: a preliminary report of two randomised controlled phase 2 trials [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Safety and immunogenicity of a 2009 pandemic influenza A H1N1 vaccine when administered alone or simultaneously with the seasonal influenza vaccine for the 2009–10 influenza season: a multicentre, randomised controlled trial [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Safety and immunogenicity of 2009 pandemic influenza A H1N1 vaccines in China: a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Lancet Oncology
15/09/2006 - Vol.6 Num.9
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Controversies in pharmacotherapy of pain management [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Medicina Clínica
28/11/2009 - Vol.133 Num.20
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Diferencias entre el control clínico y ambulatorio de la hipertensión arterial en pacientes muy ancianos. Proyecto CARDIORISC–MAPAPRES [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Rebrote de parotiditis en la era vacunal. Factores implicados en un brote en Navarra, 2006–2007 [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Calidad de vida en adolescentes supervivientes de cáncer infantojuvenil [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Morbility and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
02/11/2007 - Vol.56 Num.43
Ver números anteriores
Self-monitoring of blood glucose among adults with diabetes--United States, 1997-2006 [Texto Completo]

The New England Journal of Medicine
31/12/2009 - Vol.361 Num.27
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MMP12, Lung Function, and COPD in High-Risk Populations [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]
Household Transmission of 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Virus in the United States [Resumen] [Texto Completo]
Outbreak of 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) at a New York City School [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

01/10/2007 - Vol.3 Num.10
Ver números anteriores
Drug Insight: cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors—a critical appraisal [Texto Completo]

Nutrition Journal
20/10/2004 - Vol.3 Num.19
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Nutrition and cancer: A review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Obesity Reviews
01/09/2007 - Vol.8 Num.5
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The role of glitazones in management of type 2 diabetes. A DREAM or a nightmare? [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

01/11/2007 - Vol.132 Num.1
Ver números anteriores
Predicting postherpetic neuralgia in elderly primary care patients with herpes zoster: Prospective prognostic study Pain [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Pain Clinical Updates
01/08/2007 - Vol.15 Num.6
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Fear and Pain [Texto Completo]

Pain Research & Management
19/12/2006 - Vol.11 Num.4
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A randomized trial of yoga for adolescents with irritable bowel syndrome [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Primary Care Diabetes
01/03/2008 - Vol.2 Num.1
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Priorities for diabetes primary care in Europe [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

01/01/2007 - Vol.40 Num.5
Ver números anteriores
Original Paper
Culture, somatization and psychological distress: symptom presentation in south Indian patients from a public psychiatric hospital [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

01/07/2006 - Vol.48 Num.4
Ver números anteriores
Diagnóstico por la imagen de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Revista Clínica Española
01/04/2007 - Vol.207 Num.4
Ver números anteriores
Guía de recomendaciones para el tratamiento de la migraña en la práctica clínica [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

Revista Española de Cardiología Online
01/05/2008 - Vol.61 Num.5
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Ejercicio, piedra angular de la prevención cardiovascular [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Revista de Neurología
01/01/2007 - Vol.44 Num.1
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Sistema dopaminérgico y adicciones [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Revista Pediatría de Atención Primaria
01/01/2002 - Vol.4 Num.13
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Prevención e intervención en la salud mental de la infancia desde los dispositivos de la Atención Primaria [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Revista de Psiquiatría de la Facultad de Medicina de Barcelona
01/01/2006 - Vol.33 Num.1
Ver números anteriores
El entrenamiento en habilidades de comunicación podría ser un factor preventivo del síndrome de burnout en médicos de familia [Texto Completo]

Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor
01/12/2006 - Vol.13 Num.8
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Revisión de las implicaciones clínicas del ácido zoledrónico en el tratamiento del dolor [Texto Completo]
Valoración de la actitud terapéutica ante el paciente con dolor crónico en las Unidades de Dolor en España. Estudio STEP [Texto Completo]

Salud Mental
01/01/2004 - Vol.4 Num.4
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Artículo original
Eduardo Balbo. Salud mental e inmigración Magrebí [Texto Completo]

Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
13/12/2007 - Vol.25 Num.3
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Recognition of fasting or overall hyperglycaemia when starting insulin treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes in general practice [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

Spine Journal
15/01/2007 - Vol.32 Num.2
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Addition of Choice of Complementary Therapies to Usual Care for Acute Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
23/05/2006 - Vol.40 Num.6
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Coxibs Versus Combination NSAID and PPI Therapy for Chronic Pain: An Exploration of the Risks, Benefits, and Costs [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

The Cochrane library
18/07/2007 - Vol. Num.3
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Rosiglitazone for type 2 diabetes mellitus [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

The journal of headache and pain
16/02/2007 - Vol.8 Num.1
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Cephalalgiaphobia: a possible specific phobia of illness [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

The Lancet Neurology
01/01/2007 - Vol.6 Num.1
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Headache: continuation and consolidation [Resumen] [Texto Completo]

The Pain Practitioner
01/12/2006 - Vol.16 Num.4
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What’s different and what’s new about the ethics of pain management? [Texto Completo]

The WHO European Network
01/01/2001 - Vol. Num.
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Mental Health in Europe. Country report from the WHO European Network on Mental Health [Texto Completo]

World Psychiatry
01/09/2006 - Vol.4 Num.2
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¿Influyen las creencias respecto a la etiología de la enfermedad mental en las actitudes personales frente a ella? [Resumen] [Texto Completo de Pago]

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