18 abril, 2013

NICE: Multiple sclerosis (relapsing-remitting) -fingolimod

English: This slide shows the global prevalenc...
English: This slide shows the global prevalence of multiple sclerosis. Deutsch: Geographische Verteilung der Multiple Sklerose Česky: Geografické rozšíření roztroušené sklerózy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
  • View the summary and implementation tools

    treatment of highly active relapsing?remitting multiple sclerosis in adults, only if: they have an unchanged or increased relapse rate
    Clinical effectiveness 4.6 The Committee noted that only part of the population covered by the marketing authorisation for fingolimodwas considered in the manufacturer's submission, that is, people with highly active relapsing
    2 The technology 2.1 Fingolimod (Gilenya, Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK) is a sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor modulator that prevents lymphocytes from crossing the blood?brain barrier and causing damage to nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord
  • The summary of the in development technology appraisal on Multiple sclerosis (primary-progressive) - fingolimod [ID62]. It links to the key documents, details of NICE staff and external stakeholders involved in developing NICE guidance.
  • NICE recommends the development of patient registries for multiple sclerosis to capture long-term treatment-related outcomes.
  • NICE recommends that a new model for multiple sclerosis is developed, ideally based on UK patient cohorts, which uses the best available evidence (including experience to date from the risk-sharing scheme) and includes all currently available treatments.
  • NICE recommends first pill treatment for some people with MS In its final guidance, out today...
  • Additional evidence means first pill for MS could soon be recommended for some patients In its ...
  • Summary of guidance relevant to general practice in April 2012.
  • Patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis can now be offered a pill that helps reduce the number of relapses, says NICE.
    • MS drug should not be prescribed on NHS, says draft guidance In provisional draft guidance...
    • In further draft guidance published today (1 December), NICE, the healthcare guidance body,...
    • Technology Appraisal Committee Meeting (Committee B): Wednesday 6 July 2011 The closing date...
    • Is my practice up to date? Latest guidance from NICE April 2012 summary for general...
    • Technology Appraisal Committee Meeting (Committee B): Wednesday 1 February 2012 The meeting will...
    • Technology Appraisal Committee Meeting (Committee B): Wednesday 5 October 2011 The meeting will...

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