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- Jamoulle M. Quaternary prevention: First, do not harm. Text prepared for the 11th Congres of the Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade (SBMFC), Brazilia, 2011 June 23- 26.
English / French / Portuguese Slides Brasilia 2011
- Kuehlein T, Sghedoni D, Visentin G, Gérvas J, Jamoulle M. Quaternary prevention: a task of the general practitioner. Primary Care. 18; 2010.
En / Fr / Po / It / Sp / Cr / De
- Jamoulle M, Gusso G. Sobre Prevenção na Medicina de Familia e Atenção Primária ( Slides Brasilia 2008 2,6M ). Dans: Seminário Internacional de Atenção Primária / Saúde da Família. Brasilia; 2008.
- Jamoulle M, Roland M. Champs d’action, gestion de l’information et formes de prévention clinique en médecine générale et de famille.
Santé conjuguée. 2005:71-77. & Louvain médical. 2003:358-365.
- Jamoulle M, Roland M. Quaternary prevention. Hong-Kong Wonca Classification Committee. 1995.
- Jamoulle M, Roland M. Mental health inside the primary care ; a different mental health ? Dans: Defining mental health problems in primary care. Washington DC:
Paper presented at the National Institute of Mental Health; 1994.
- Jamoulle M. Information et informatisation en médecine générale [Computer and computerisation in general practice]. Dans: Les informa-g-iciens. Namur, Belgium:
Presses Universitaires de Namur. 1986:193-209.
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